The Apex Body of Women in Poultry Value Chain (WIPVaC-Apex) is an Umbrella Corporate Organization of women organizations within the poultry value chain. Membership is voluntary and open to all Women Associations along the poultry value chain and anyone who is interested in helping the Association to achieve its aim, willing to abide by the rules and Regulations of the Association.
It comprises of aggregators of Maize and Soya, Day old Chicks Suppliers, dealers of poultry inputs such as fishmeal, concentrates, poultry drugs and poultry feed, the women poultry farmers, egg sellers and distributors of local Chicken, guinea fowl and chicken products.
Ordinary Membership
- Active member – Pays dues, attends meeting, votes and enjoys services of the Association
- Non active – Does not pay dues, does not attend meetings
Associate Membership – Any Institution or Organization that has a stake in the poultry value chain but does not have power to vote.
- Outstanding members contributing towards the improvement of the poultry value chain may be appointed by members as patrons to support the activities of the Association.