A six days leadership training was organized for Women in Poultry Value Chain (WIPVaC-Apex) to equip them with the appropriate commercialization tools that will enhance commercialization
Organized by American Soybean Association (ASA) and World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), the training seeks to enhance participant’s knowledge and the Association’s capacity to effectively coordinate, monitor and contribute to the competitive market.

The training brought together over 80 WIPVaC-Apex Executives from across the Northern and Southern zones of Ghana who were equipped with efficient and effective leadership and communication skills to ensure sustainable growth of business.
The Director of Animal Production at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), Edwin Bekoe, said even though about 57% of rural women in Ghana engage in agriculture and agricultural value chain, they earn very low income because they are sometimes used as family laborers.
Mr. Bekoe added that bearing in mind the concerns on gender segregation and inequalities facing women in agriculture, the workshop would train the executives of WIPVaC-Apex to acquire leadership skills that would enable them to play their roles as leaders in the poultry value chain efficiently.
He urged all participants to be fully dedicated to the training while ensuring that they gain the requisite knowledge and skills that would help increase livestock production.

He urged all participants to be fully dedicated to the training while ensuring that they gain the requisite knowledge and skills that would help increase livestock production.
The National President of WIPVaC-Apex, Dr Victoria Norgbey, was grateful to the organizers of the training saying it would equip them to acquire leadership skills and also develop strategic plans that would guide them to sustain their businesses.
Dr. Norgbey noted that as the group is set to celebrate its fifth Anniversary this year, they are committed to working around the poultry value chain and advocate for better conditions for the poultry sector.
The facilitator for the training, Mad. Emelia Danquah, said they would help members of WIPVaC-Apex to draft good communication strategies that would enable them to interact better during business transactions.

She stressed that “since the poultry business has so many challenges, the training will prepare them with the skills to manage their businesses and the Association”.
At the end of the training, participants were awarded with Certificates for their successful completion of the workshop.
The trainees expressed their gratitude to the organizers of the workshop and hope for more of such trainings to be done to build their capacity in the business.