On 27th&28th April, 2017, a two day National Consultative Workshop was held in Accra, Ghana to form the Ghana National Women in Poultry Business Association. This was a follow up to the Strategic Approach of VET-GOV Programme in response to the recommendations made by Regional participants at the Lome, Togo regional workshop on 4-6th August, 2014. At the Lomé Regional Workshop, the participates reviewed Dr. Papa NdaryNiang’s Consultancy Report on capacities of Livestock Producers and Institutional Organization of Farmers Associations in West Africa. They recommended the formation of all fragmented Women in Poultry Associations in Ghana into one National Apex Body to enable the National Association to advocate and lobby policy makers for better policies in poultry development in Ghana.
To organize a national consultative workshop to form the Ghana National Women Poultry Farmers Association, two consultants (Dr. Anthony Akunzule and Mr. Isaac Nyameke) were contracted by AU-IBAR to carry out a desk review and baseline mapping of all the fragmented associations of women poultry farmers, women egg sellers, women live bird sellers, women maize aggregators, women guinea fowl farmers in the ten regions of Ghana.
The consultants presented their report of all the identified Women in Poultry Associations in Ghana to AU-IBAR VET-GOV Programme for ECOWAS.The AU-IBAR team reviewed the report and saw there was a need for national consultative workshop to form a National Apex body called Ghana National Women in Poultry Association.
Upon further review, it was concluded that the name of the Association shall be called The Apex Body of Women in Poultry Value Chain, abbreviated as WIPVaC-Apex. Its slogan is “We think Chicken”